During the vacancy worship will led by a variety of local ministers, ordained and lay. There is regular input from the choir in the form of introits and occasional anthems. Members of the congregation take turns in reading the Bible. At some services members of the Worship Group take part, sometimes involving drama or other action, leading prayers or reflections. Anyone interested in joining the Choir, Worship Group or Readers' Rota is invited to speak to one of the members of staff.
One of the services is taped each week and delivered to those who are not able to attend. If you know anyone who might like to receive a CD please contact the church office. Volunteers to deliver the CD's would also be welcome.
We are part of the rota for leading worship in Eadar Glinn, North Argyll & the hospital.
Services - Every Sunday
Oban Parish Church 10.30am
Services - First Sunday

12.00pm Kilmore Kirk
Services - Fourth Sunday
2.00pm Oban Parish Church - on Zoom
Services - Last Sunday
10.00am Church Centre Family Faithshare (going into the church at 11.00am)
Special Services
Holy Communion

Our main celebrations of Holy Communion take place during the service in both church buildings on the first Sunday of March, June and October. There is a short service at 3pm on the Wednesday following for those who have difficulty getting to the main services. Services also take place in Lynn Court and Dunmar Court. If housebound members would like to receive communion at home their elder will arrange this with the ministers.
Elders visit the members of the congregation beforehand to give them an invitation. However, as at every service of worship all are welcome to attend. All who would like to receive the bread and wine may do so. If anyone would prefer not to receive, they are invited to pass the bread and wine to their neighbour and remain with us in prayer.